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this is another Mukkey blogskin

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Arrival of my life

YES YES YES IT ARRIVED!! I stayed up till 3 am just so I can watch watch watch my Keita!! I think I'm going all crazy again!

I lovelovelovelove him!!

Whatever!!!! monymonymonykeitakeitakeitafuckingfuckingfuckingsteve!!!!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Self-made vid~

Wee!I made this video myself. Of course, its not any big achievement, but hell, I like it so much!! I used "Want Ya" cos I'm so in love with the song right now!! Woot! w-inds~ Fuck, the quality of the video sucks like fuck on youtube!

Yesterday was a hell lot of fun!! Jokes, food, tea cakes and many many nice things!!

Heh! My order will be arriving from Japan tomorrow! I don't feel like going to school just so I can wait for the postman at home! Hell, I can't pon anymore, but like, which is more important?? My w-inds stuff or school?? How about both??

Friday, January 26, 2007

Yes ar


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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Pics taken by Mony. Us trying to imitate Miss Swan's way of smiling, and her artistic shot of our nose. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate my nose!? I want a smaller, sharper and more defined nose!

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And her shot of the scenery! Pretty!

Some people just never get it, do they? @#$%&

Woot! Harbouring yesterday. Exceptionally fun since we were eating in front of people who were working outin the gym. Tried to show them our satisfied expression as we munch our food!! Damn windy, and I am so loving the weather!

Mony mony mony..what am I ever gonna do without my bestie!?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Life has been such a bore always has been.

I wish a serial murderer on the lose will run towards me now, and stab me deep in the heart. Yes, please just do me this tiny little favour.

I hate daytime. I hate to see the sunrise. Just let darkness envelope the entire Earth please. I want to lie on my sofa and watch the pink fluffy cloud roll across the night sky. I want absolute silence. I want to feel the gentle breeze against my face. I feel so deprived. Fuck, please just throw me down a high-rise building and let my internal organs splatter on the floor. So little things to do, so many time. What am I gonna do with the spare time? FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK, "FUCK" does best describes my life.

I think I'm going home. My whole group is anyway...Lol.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Wa lao, I hate to be stuck in a dilemma. I'm thinking whether I should ciao halfway or not. Part of me insists that I should stay on till the end, after all, I've already ponned for so many lessons. But the other part of me has swung into the holiday mood! How?! I've been debating with myself for the entire day. So irritating. Should I should I? Ya, I think I should. I think I need a personal motivator to keep me throughout the whole lesson. Anyone?

Today is all about fun and old times at Mony's place. I refuse to go t school today cos I has 2 big zits on my face n I can't even cover it with my hair. Grr..

Anyway, we managed to find the old jotter books where we wrote down stories form primary 6 to sec 3. ITS FREAKING FUNNY!! I can't believe we actually wrote those cheesy and mushy and dramatic and unbelievable stuff! I have no idea how our brains function last time. Those were the days man. We fucking laugh like hell while reading with goosebumps popping up every now and then.

Then, just before I cab home, we played with condoms. LOLOL, I have no idea what condom looks like, or feels like until today. The feeling of touching it is pretty gross actually. We filled the condom with tap water, its so stretchable! It was as big as a watermealon by the time we stopped feeling it up. We wanted to throw that condom-made water balloon out of the window for fun, but it was so heavy that the whole thing burst. What a waste! Nevermind, next time. Lol, and if you're wondering why there is a condom in our possession, its because Mony bought it for some photoshoot for her school project. Not for some sick dirty purposes.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


That's the end, so let it be.

Looking forward to this Saturday. going to Harry's with Mony again, only this time, MX and Khai will be joining us(high possiblity that is)! So there's really alot of catching up. =)

Woot! I can't wait to smoke SKL again. And Eski Bar!!! Its all coming in a day's time~

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Urg..I'm so confused by why people dresses so weirdly especially, the Olsen twins. They are starting to look more and more like walking aliens with their pale gigantic eyes, which can turn you into a stone if you stare too hard at it.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Check out these pics. What's up with those disgusting stockings, paired with that outrageously hideous looking shoes?! And whatever happened to shorts? Damn. Weirdo...

I guess I am just being really blog by bring a stupid tabloid picture into my blog. You can't blame me! School has taken up a huge part of my life, and I'm becoming a cyborg.

Man, I want my SKL. I am so tempted to buy a packet of SKL on the way home. Nawh..that's addiction, and I'm not addicted. I'll but some toilet papers instead.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The past, the hatchet

I'm starting to run out of things to blog about.

Had a really nice chat over msn with Mx yesterday night. Lots of catching up, and its been only a few months, yet so many have happened. Right, Mx? -winks

There's so much to learn and deal with in life, yet at times, we still commit the same mistakes. But hey, I've learnt from mine, and since that fateful day, I've start my life afresh. Who cares about giving in to you, or to placate you, or to be at your beck and call every single second?! Be flexible! Life may seem good for you now because you're still within your comfort zone, wait till school starts for you. If there's any good that comes out from that quarrel, its that I've learnt to become more independent, to respect myself and to stand firm on my own beliefs. Yes Mx, the conversation was inspirational. Lol

Went out with Mony on Sunday evening! Boat Quay never fails to entertain us! It was low tide at that time, so I could actually see all the residues of shit deposited on the river bank! Lol, I know, my best friend right.

I've been procrastinating! Supposed to configure my lappie at the IT Helpdesk last Friday, yet up till now, I've been to lazy to drag my ass to the library. PROCRASTINATION! Someone throw me there please!

- To be less obsessed with shit
- To do something about Singapore's weather, make it snow
- To think of more diet plans but never follow them
- To visit Boat Quay more with Mony and the rest
- To watch more TV
- To slack as much as possible
- To look forward to every holiday of any sort
- To spend more money
- To clear out my old clothes and buy new ones
- To drop by Kino 5 times a week
- To drink 5 kettles of water daily
- To take care of my *** area because I'll pee alot after drinking so much water.(Fuck, this one sounds obscene)
- To sleep in after 2am every night
- To be nicer to my parents but nastier to my brothers
- To kop more money from my brother's savings
- To buy a parang
- To have more diarrhoeas
- To read more trashy Hollywood celebrity tabloids
- To store more ice in my freezer so I can aim at people swimming in the pool
- To roll around at home instead of walking
- To buy a toilet bowl for my room
- To scold "Fuck" more often
- To count how many times I scold "Fuck" in one day
- To make a graph based on the data
- To paste it in my room
- To run away when my parents are chasing to kill me after seeing that graph
I am so bored my entry today is getting longer. I'm really seriously suspecting that I have some illness. I keep having the dizzy spells and feel breathless for no reason. I think I'm dying.

Hey, Mon is right. After Wednesday, time passes by twice the rate of the normal speed. 5 weeks is gonna whiz by real soon. I'm looking forward to the holidays. I shall get my magazine at Kino later. Or I can use the money to cab home. I'll take the former.

I think I've found the enlightenment to losing weight through crash dieting. Whenever you feel hungry, resist the temptation to eat. Drink some water or eat fruits. When that hunger is gone, you'll feel full, like you don't feel like feasting even if a whole variety of food is placed before you. At least, for me, it works that way. Haven't eaten anything for 2 days(other than the little bit of spaghetti just now), and I am gonna make this diet plan work. Fuck, I feel fat. Maybe if I am determined enough, I can shed a few pounds by this week.
Why la, why? Some people are born with such perfect features and runway models' bodies, but sadly, I'm not one of them. I am so superficial. I should be contented with what I have. I am so much more fortunate than the African kids, but hey, why compare myself with the worse? Why not look up to the rich and famous, or at least, the better ones?

How to change the font of my entries?! Its so small, I have to squint my eyes to read it when I'm without my lenses. Ohh!! So that explains my corneal ulcer! Fucking blog! Help me someone! SKL! I want SKL!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Bonnie Bony Mony


No, this post is random. So it does not makes me a lesbian or Mony a bi. Ok people?!?!?!


My Mony lies over the ocean,
My Mony lies over Ngee Ann,
My Mony lies over Yishun,
So bring it back to Harbourfront.
Bring back, O bring back,
O bring back my Mony to me, to me,
Bring back, O bring back,
O bring back my Mony to me, to me!~~~

You know, as each day passes, we are one day closer to resting in our deathbeds. Are you afraid of death? I know I'm not, but I am afraid of the feeling of struggling before I finally lose my last breath.

My Mony the pony!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Hey hey hey. Just read Mony's latest entry and man, damn touched. I was laughing and tearing a lil throughout the entry. Seriously, after all the troubles, joys and experiences that we've been through together, that entry really means alot to me. Thanks Mony! Love ya!!


I know we will continue to have loads of decade anniversaries! Next time, our coffin will be made of the same top-quality wood I assure you! Even if I can't afford them(which will never happen), I will scrimp and save, steal and murder!

Ok, I think exhaustion is getting into me. And fuck RP's IT help-desk! They are damn inefficient! I waited in the library for a painfully long 2.5 hours to get my lappie fixed yesterday, BUT to no avail! What's worse, they still have the cheeks to ask me to go down today. @#$%&*

So, since it was 6.30pm, and I'm still stuck in Woodlands, I called my parents down to fetch me home. I'm too lazy to take the long trip back home! In the car, I started feeling nauseous and started puking. It felt terrible, especially since I have hardly eaten anything for the day. Imagine puking out water. Urghhh.

I was seriously too sick to bath when I got home, but of course, I'm too clean to allow myself to go to bed all sticky n filthy. So, checked the mail and went straight under the covers at freaking 8.30pm!

This morning, I didn't feel any better. Felt feverish even. But I have to attend Enterprise lessons. Can't afford to pon anymore unless I want to repeat the module, which I am so not going to. Probably going back home halfway through or something. Gahhh!

Monday, January 01, 2007



Just woke up. I don't feel the difference of the start of a new year at all. All feels the same. Monotonous, boring and fucked up. I am sure it will continue in this manner for the rest of the upcoming years that I continue to live in.

Yesterday was nice. Went to Boat Quay for celebration with Mony, Timmy and KC. Chilled at Harry's Bar in esplande. Lol, its nice talking cock with your friends~ The area was fucking crowded. It's like deja vu all over again. The lights by the river were beautiful though, and everywhere were fucking filthy. Not to forget, full of bangalas. -shudders-

Couldn't get a taxi ANYWHERE near the esplanade. All either "on call" or "hired" or available, but refuse to fucking stop. Seriously, what's wrong with all this fucktard taxi drivers?! Took a nightrider to town area where vacant taxis were flooding the road. Grabbed one and got home. Washed up, slept, all the way till now.

I need more books to read. I need to clear my fucking mind. Fuck new year's resolution. Fuck 2007. My life is just full of "fucks".